What Alexandra's clients say
"I chose Alexandra as my business coach to push my personal development to the next level and seek valuable input from an experienced professional.
Already in our first meeting, we developed a very hands-on blueprint to change current states at the workplace for the better - I have already used this process many times and it has always been incredibly useful.
We also did a deep dive on personality tests and strength finders which, combined with Alexandra’s knowledge and questions, guided me in the right direction to focus on my strengths and find professional fulfilment and happiness.
I really enjoyed the positive spirit and the outstanding support of Alexandra over the past months and already look forward to our next sessions."
Silvan Krähenbühl, Co-Founder Unicorn Ventures, Zürich, Schweiz
“I first started working with Alex when I needed help to start my business. Being my own boss, I needed someone that was outside of my circle and that who could help me get over the hurdles. She was great at this side, but this was just the start.
I found Alex to be a relaxed and non-judgemental coach and so I started to work through some personal issues with her. At the start of my journey with Alex I had chronic back pain and then discovered that this was coming through a mind-body connection. Meaning I had to go through my past and change some unhealthy patterns of thought that I had created. Whilst Alex doesn't specialize in pain management, she was an integral part of my recovery. It was only when I sat down to write this testimonial that I realized just what an impact she has made on my life.”
Gemma McFall, Coach, Colombo, Sri Lanka

"Aufgrund Ihrer reichlichen Berufserfahrung ist Alexandra für mich der optimale Coach. Sie versteht es mir genügend Raum für die Entwicklung meiner eigenen Lösungen zu lassen und im richtigen Moment mich an die Hand zu nehmen und in Richtung Ziel zu geleiten.
Alexandra kann ich besonders empfehlen für junge und junggebliebene, hoch motivierte Schnelldenker.
Danke, Alexandra für deine tollen Coachings."
Christian Hirsig, Gründer Powercoders, Bern, Schweiz
“Alexandra has coached me on several professional and personal dilemmas. She is a kind and confident coach, and holds a trusting and open space.
I felt comfortable exploring underlying values with her. She has supported me to discover long held beliefs that were holding me back from aspects of personal happiness and professional success.
She is able to relate across cultures and situations and keeps the client’s best interest in focus. Her deep understanding how businesses and workplaces operate, is very helpful when one is discussing a work situation with her.”
Shripad Ranade, Leadership Coach and Management Consultant, Mumbai, India