If any of the following resonate,
coaching is for you!
I'm feeling somewhat incomplete. I know there's more to life…
My relationships (all types, personal and professional) need some changes and improvements.
I don't know how to say 'no' and not feel guilty.
I don't always reach my goals. I seem to start out okay and then "lose it."
I wish I felt more confident and had more self–esteem.
I need more focus, more balance, and A LOT less stress.
If you can answer YES to any of the following questions, you could benefit from working with a life coach:
Are you already successful, and yet feel that there should be more to life?
Does your life feel unbalanced and/or stressful?
Are you dealing with difficult people? –– family, friends, boss, employees?
Are you feeling as something is holding you back in life but you can't figure out what it is?
Would you like to make better decisions and become aware of more choices?
Do you need to improve your financial situation?
Are you approaching, or in the midst of a life transition?
Are you ready to make changes but are unsure of how to go about it?
Do you need someone neutral to talk to?